Game Check In: 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M Monday through Saturday (No Sunday Check In)
Game Processing 2022
Del Fox Meats has Limited Space and Limited Additional Processing during Fall Hunting Season (This Year As We Have Fewer Butchers in the area and More Custom Farm Slaughters Scheduled)
We Will Accept All Game Until Coolers are Filled (If Coolers are Filled Please Call Daily to see if there is Space Available)
Del Fox meats Accepts (Whole Carcass Animals, Bone-In Pieces, as well as Boneless Meat. Boneless Meats MUST BE CLEAN )
All Carcasses must be Gutted and Skinned (That Means No Hair or Hide anywhere including the legs) and Clean (free of Grass, Charcoal, Dirt, Pine Needles and any other debris)
This is how the animal should look upon arrival to Del Fox Meats

Notice the tendons are attached for hanging the animal

Please Save the tendon for us to hang it as pictured above. (You should skin all carcasses while they are still Warm!!!)
IMPORTANT NOTE: We must have the following information to accept your wild game meat. Actual Kill Date, Hunters Name, Street Address, Mailing address (if different), Home Phone, Cell Phone/Work Phone, Tag/DOC # (Tag MUST be presented), GMU (Game Management Unit) #, Sex of Animal.
Game Check In: Monday Thru Saturday 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. ( Sorry No SUNDAY’S)
Basic Cutting & Wrapping $1.39/lb for animals over 126lbs. or $150.00 minimum for all carcasess or boneless meat under 126lbs. (Standard cuts at this rate are (Deer Chops, Elk Steaks, Roast and 1lb. Burger)) Breakfast Sausage (Seasoned Meat) Add $0.50/lb
Boned Out Meat with no cuts (Grind and Wrap Only) $1.39lb. plus $25.00 grind charge
***Additional Processing
**All further processing will be Basic Cut & Wrap Carcass Fee Plus:
Summer Sausage (1/lb Sticks Only) $5.49/lb 5/lb Minimum Regular Flavor ONLY $27.45/5lbs Pepperoni (Snack Sticks) $5.99/lb 5/lb Minimum Regular Flavor ONLY $29.95/5lbs
PLEASE NOTE: Jerky , Landjeager, Smoked Sausages are Not Offered Processing Services until after the New Year, thank You for Understanding. (Bring Back Roast For Jerky, Bring Back Burger For Sausage or Landjeager)
WHEN YOUR ORDER IS DONE: We will call you when your order is complete, YOU MUST PICK UP YOUR ORDER PROMPTLY, 3 days or less to help keep our shop running smoothly and to avoid any STORAGE FEES ($5 per day after 3 days Freezer Space is a Serious Issue September thru January). If you are unable to pick up (or your out hunting for more), please send in your spouse, family member, neighbor, or friend.
PLEASE BRING YOUR COOLERS OR BOXES TO TRANSPORT YOUR MEAT HOME. When we freeze your meat it goes into freezer trays and/or baskets that need to stay here.
Please have patience, it is a very busy time of year for us. If you are having us do the basic cutting & wrapping, please give us 1-2 weeks to call you. If you are having extra processing, please give us at least 2-4 weeks. It may not take that long but it does depend on how many animals come in. Please do not call us to find out where your order is in the process, this takes away time needed to do the actual processing. We are not responsible for hair or dirt that you may have left on your animal, Please keep your meat clean.
Good Hunting & Thank You
Sales tax to be applied to processing.
Pricing Current as of January 2025
****Note: First, please do not take this statement as an attack towards you, the customer. This is to protect us as well as you, the customer. We haven’t been fined and would like to keep it that way and we would hate to see you get fined as well so please do not take this statement as an attack. ****Wild Game brought in MUST have a valid transport tag attached to it with the GMU (Game Management Unit number). If it is not with the game it WILL NOT be accepted. The reason being is WAC (Washington Administrative Code) classifies this as a misdemeanor offense and is subject to a $540 fine and possible jail time against us if we have possession of wild game without a transport tag. Please Click Here to read the WAC Laws on this issue. These come from WA State Legislature, verbatim.