We at Del Fox Meats strive to be accurate and organized in our business, however your help is necessary and appreciated. 

Please contact our Bow location to schedule all USDA slaughters. 360-399-5010

Our Current USDA Butcher/Slaughter schedule is Tuesday through Friday. Drop off is the day prior to slaughter.

Hang Time for SHEEP, GOATS or HOGS is 2 days to 5 days, 

BEEF are hung 14 days or longer depending on cut schedule.

*Animals can be dropped off at our Bow Location (13400 D’Arcy Rd Bow WA. 98232). Monday through Thursday depending on day of slaughter. Please meet with the office on the day you drop them off to verify Quantity drop off and confirm Haul Slips Antibiotic Letters, and Age Verification (Beef Over/Under 30 Months).

      We need to get your cut instructions within a few days of slaughter (1 to 2 days for Hogs, Sheep, and Goats) (7 days for Beef) or we will assume that standard Market Cuts or Previous Cut instructions will be ok. Boneless Primal, Boneless Sub Primal, and Boneless Market Cuts are what we offer with our program, Bone-in cuts may puncture vacuum packages but may be requested at your own risk. All Products will be Vacuumed Sealed with Most Ground Products in 1/lb. or 2/lb. CHUBS then Boxed and put into the Freezer.

Payments and invoices: orders are invoiced after processing is complete. We charge butcher fees and cutting and wrapping and further processing according to each order, Payment is expected at the time the order is picked up. We do not mail out invoices and we do not accept payment by phone. Please collect your own payments for the meat as we do not want to be responsible for your monies. If you are wanting to pay for part or all of an order that is being picked up by your customer, please inform us when scheduling this is not part of our normal process. We are not a storage facility!!! Our Cooler and Freezers are full, therefore we expect you or your customer to pick the orders up Saturday (items won’t be fully frozen) or Monday following processing (unless we must hold for testing) to avoid storage fees.